Which one: のおかげで or のせいで
Smiley face .............. non-Smiley face |
When you want to say “ because of ———“, which do you use?
のおかげで のせいで or maybe によって
Let’s go through these expressions of giving accreditation/fault to someone else and see the difference of usage.
- のおかげで
This probably can be best translated as ‘ thanks to ‘ when you want to give credit to someone’s action. It has a positive feeling and is usually associated with positive emotions.
Stephanie: Carlos とても嬉しそうにしてるけど、何かあったの。
Hey Carlos, you look really happy. Something good happened?
Carlos: 彼のおかげで悩んでる問題がやっと解けた。
Yeah, I finally solved the bloody question thanks to him.